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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1Why to hire an interior designer?

5 Real Reasons to hire an interior designer for your lovely place

We hear it all the time, “Why should I hire an interior designer? I can do it myself for far less money.” We aren’t here to tell you to spend more money, we want to help you understand why hiring a professional is the smarter choice. Stop wasting your time and money

Reason #1

If time is money, then stop wasting your hard earned money on the wrong paint. Have you ever picked a paint and painted a room and “oh no!” you didn’t like it? This is a serious expense and now you must go out and buy another costly paint. It’s not just the cost of paint but the time it took to paint the room itself. Obviously painting a room vs. hiring a designer hourly might be the same cost, but if you’re the one spending your entire weekend painting and then repainting a room, it might be time to consider hiring a professional to help pick for you. This also goes for more than just paint, it can also be buying the wrong color rug, sofas are the wrong size, etc… the list is endless.

Complete what you started

Reason #2

Sometimes we walk into a client’s house and it looks amazing, but they can’t seem to get the room over the ‘Finish Line’. You designed it, you purchased everything, but something is missing. Hiring an interior designer can give you a full picture to help you finish what you started.

The True Cost

Reason #3

A designer can show you the big picture including the total cost, so you decide if it fits your budget. A great interior designer wants their clients to understand how much it will cost for their space to look the way they want.

Complete your space, don’t sprinkle

Reason #4

Shopping is fun, but not easy. “I spent in lakhs at Restoration Hardware and look at my house… the sectional sofas don’t fit and the light fixtures came in a million boxes…help!” This can be really frustrating after spending that amount of money. Additionally, it only looks like you ‘sprinkled’ new features all over your space and it doesn’t look like a completed design. An interior designer helps to figure out the best way to spend the money, so your space is complete and not just ‘sprinkled’.

Positivity in environment


It is important to understand the connectivity of a peaceful mind which will come with positive environment which is the main aspect to balance out our life which an Interior Designer with Vastu Shastra knowledge is best person for it. Everything should not be placed in our house just to impress our self or others. It should be equally important to be placed or kept the things in a right direction of the place according to deep study of Vastu Shastra to make the place full of positive vibes and energetic vibrations to keep a person or people calm and remove negativity from the area or place for healthy and wealthy life which makes our company unique from others.

2What is the difference between an interior decorator and interior designer ?

Interior design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces within a building, while interior decorating is the furnishing or adorning of a space with decorative elements to achieve a certain aesthetic. In short, interior designers may decorate, but decorators do not design

3How long will it take for the project to complete ?

Generally, 6 months is a good rule of thumb. Smaller projects can take as little as 4 months. Larger projects can take upwards of one year after a detailed plan has been finalized. If client want any changes in midway of project execution so project will be delay, therefore it is better to take extra time on Concept development step

4 How much will it cost?

Costs vary depending on the scope of projects. There's a range depending the scope of the project. This is determined through the estimate we produce after the consultation in which we spell out a high to low range.

5Hiring an interior designer vs. buying at a retail store?

The difference between full service interior design and retail design services

Stop Buying Your Furniture from A Retail Store. The biggest reason not to use a home furniture store or a home furnishing retail store, that either sells furniture customization or house planning design services, is that they have a single-minded focus only, to sell what they have. This single-minded focus is to sell what they have on the floor and what they have in inventory. Rather than curating a design for your space and customizing the furniture to fit your room, they will make the furniture fit the space. Additionally, your space will not have your personality; it will have the personality of the showroom. There is nothing wrong with that, if that’s your style, but if you want your space to reflect who you are and functions properly, you most likely will need to hire an interior designer to help guide you through this process.

6 How to pick the right color for a room?

Trying to pick a color palette for your room can be difficult and daunting. Some design professionals recommend drawing inspiration from a larger object in the room like a piece of art or window treatments; however, this approach immediately corners you to a certain narrow color palate. Sometimes your room might need a more thoughtful approach to make it more memorable. Rather focusing first on picking the color, our approach is to understand the function and emotion you want for your room and then the color palette falls into place from there.

7 How does Vastu Shastra works?

Vastu Shastra may not be essential for living, but it is very important for a good and healthier life. It is the science of environment you live in.

8What should we avoid According to Vastu Shastra?

1. You should avoid bed head in north direction.
2. Avoid placing a mirror or television in front and left or right side of the bed. Your reflection must not be seen in a mirror when in bed as it causes fights and other domestic disruptions.
3. Avoid south and north face cooking in kitchen.
4. You need to avoid plants like cactus. Also, bonsai trees should not to be placed inside the house. You may need to avoid placing potted plants in the northeast corner of the house. Even the north and east walls are forbidden for such placement.